Video Gallery

Chess Tournament 2024-25

Kho Kho Video - 1

Kho Kho Video - 2

Kho kho - 3

Kho Kho 4

Kho Kho 5

Kho Kho 6

Kho Kho 7

Kho Kho 8

NPSC 51st Annual Conference 2023-24

51st Annual Conference

Happy Dhanteras

Day-7 Way to Celebrate Pollution Free Diwali

Day-06 Sviour of out life

Day-05 (Post-1) Fire Cracker Alternatives

Day-5 (Post-2) Firecracker Alternatives

Day-5 (Post-3) Firecracker Alternatives

Day-5 (Post-4) Firecracker Alternatives

Day-1 (Post-1) Green or eco-friendly Diwali

Day-1 (Post-2) Green or eco-friendly Diwali

Day-1 (Post-3) Green or eco-friendly Diwali

Day-2 Local and Sustainable Sweets

Day-3 Green Gifting

Day-4 Embracing Natures Hues

Dr. SWATIPOPAT VATS, President of ECA (Early Childhood Association)

NPSC General Body Meeting

Role of CBSE in Standardization of Curriculum and Assessment beyond COVID-19

Elucidating the Assessment Criteria - Class X

Haiku Video

Day - 1 (48th NPSC Annual Conference)

Day - 2 (48th NPSC Annual Conference)

Let Us Resume With Heartening Vigour: Towards Sospita

SPIC MACAY Teachers Day Celebration 2020

Relevance of the Early Five Years in the 5+3+3+4 Structure

In Concurrence with Experiential Learning

Strengthening Skill Competency for the 21st Century

Recalibrating Teaching-Learning of Mathematics